【06月03日】孙艺风:(Un)translatability and Readability



讲座题目(Un)translatability and Readability







It is a truism and a paradox to state thatdespite prevalent untranslatability in the global context of cross-culturalcommunication, there always seems to be a way to translate the supposedly ortheoretically untranslatable. The famous Derridean notion that translation isboth necessary and impossible reveals the indeterminate nature of meaningcharacterized by difference, which involves diverse perspectives on andapproaches to untranslatability. Translation is aimed at resolving theunderlying incommensurability that divides source and target cultures and givesrise to untranslatability. Ineffable linguistic properties and alien culturalconcepts show the limits of translatability and suggest inimitability andnon-substitutability. Yet untranslatability prompts respect for difference anduniqueness as a powerful reminder of the reality of difference and diversity, thuscalling for empirical inquiry and systematic conceptualization in attempts tomake effective communication possible. However, as the nucleus ofcross-cultural communication, readability is directly related to the issue ofliterary value, which can be seriously compromised or undermined byuntranslatability. Thus a specific concern over readability from across-cultural perspective reflects a general anxiety about untranslatabilitybecause the power of literariness is expected to be reproduced and displayed intranslation.


孙艺风,香港岭南大学翻译系教授及人文学科研究中心研究员,翻译学方向博士生导师。暨南大学特聘讲座教授及跨文化与翻译研究所名誉所长,澳大利亚昆士兰大学荣誉教授。先后在南京大学、卡迪夫大学、西敏斯特大学、剑桥大学、莱顿大学和牛津大学等校学习和从事研究工作,获学士、硕士和博士学位。曾任国际翻译与跨文化研究协会 (IATIS) 副主席,英国广播公司 (BBC) 英语教学节目主持;现任国家级重大项目“中华思想文化术语传播工程”学术委员会成员、中国翻译协会理事会理事、国际译联 (FIT) 翻译与文化委员会委员。著作包括: Translating ForeignOtherness (待出),《文化翻译》(2015), Fragmentation and Dramatic Moments (2002), Cultural Exile and Homeward Journey (2005) 及《视角、阐释、文化》(2004&2006)。主编Translation and Academic Journals: The Evolving Landscape ofScholarly Publishing (2015) ;合编Translation, Globalisation and Localisation (2008) 等。大量论文发表于Modern Language Quarterly, ARIEL: A Review ofInternational English Literature, Babel, Across Languages and Cultures,Perspectives, Comparative Literature Studies, Journal of Multicultural Discourses,Journal of Translation Studies, Neohelicon, Intercultural CommunicationStudies, Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese, Asia Pacific Translation andIntercultural Studies, International Journal of Linguistics and Communication,TelosQuarterly Journal of Politics, Philosophy, Critical Theory, Culture,and the Arts,《中国翻译》、《上海翻译》和《翻译季刊》等中外学术刊物。

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