【04月14日】徐海铭: Confucianism: Its Origin,Changes, Challenges and Chances



题目Confucianism: Its Origin,Changes, Challenges and Chances

主讲人:徐海铭 教授





徐海铭,上海外国语大学英语教授。2001年获博士学位。2007年博士后流动站出站。获美国富布莱特研究基金 (Grant Category: VRS)、江苏省公派留学基金、美国基督教亚洲高等教育联合董事会基金、香港大学田家炳教育基金、香港岭南大学翻译系访问基金,在美英、香港多所大学研究并做学术报告。主持并完成国家社科基金一项;在研教育部社科基金一项;其他省部多项。研究兴趣是应用语言学及其研究方法。在《现代外语》、《外语教学与研究》、《外国语》等期刊发表论文30余篇。出版著作1部;教材1部;英汉、汉英翻译300多万字;曾在《纽约时报》用英文发表文学作品。为上外“中国学”项目首届研究生开设“中国古代思想”课程。


This talk puts in perspective how Confucianism, merely one of those ten prominent schools of thought, emerges and re-emerges as an orthodox ideology in the form of canonized Confucianism (the Former Han dynasty) and Neo-Confucianism (the Song dynasties). By historicizing the variants of the thought, this talk also examines the contents of the thought at different times, laying bare its moral, political, behavioral and psychological aspects, why such a thought can metamorphose into an ideology in different social milieus and how it shapes the mentality of the Chinese.
      The point this talk purports to make is that, as a competing set of robust ideas, Confucianism sui generis exists in parallel with other persuasions of thought in ancient time and more importantly, by opening itself up to, and learning from, other intellectual resources, it enriches itself greatly. But as an orthodox ideology, it has been manipulated by different ancient dynasties and more often than not, lost its independence and autonomy and accordingly its resilience in responding to the swiftly changing world, particularly so when China encounters modern challenges.
      How to revive and re-energize it and bring it to bear on China’s modernization? This talk invites all participants to discuss this issue constructively.







6Schwartz, Benjamin I. 1985. The World of Thought inAncient China. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

7Bol, Peter K. 2008. Neo-Confucianism in History.Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

8Levenson, Joseph. R. 1958. Confucian China and ItsModern Fate. Berkeley & Los Angles: University of California Press.

9de Bary, William T. 1991. The Trouble withConfucianism. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

(10) Fukuyama, Francis. 2011. The Origin of PoliticalOrder. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.

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